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Шекспир. Сонет 8

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Шекспир. Сонет 8

Ты – музыки печаль. Заслышав звук
Восторженный, – зачем перечишь звуку?
Зачем, тоской переполняя слух,
Восторженно благословляешь муку?
Созвучие благословенных струн
Обвенчанных – твой слух терзают нежный
Не потому ль, что с торжеством парсун
Узрят тщету сей партии мятежной?
Любезны как супруги две струны,
Звучат и порознь, и друг другу вторя,
Супруги и дитя – они должны
Лишь радость ноты чествовать, не споря

С тобой. Единым голосом, любя,
Сказать: – Погубит ненависть тебя.

Music to hear, why hear'st thou music sadly?
Sweets with sweets war not, joy delights in joy:
Why lov'st thou that which thou receiv'st not gladly,
Or else receiv'st with pleasure thine annoy?
If the true concord of well-tuned sounds,
By unions married, do offend thine ear,
They do but sweetly chide thee, who confounds
In singleness the parts that thou shouldst bear;
Mark how one string, sweet husband to another,
Strikes each in each by mutual ordering;
Resembling sire, and child, and happy mother,
Who all in one, one pleasing note do sing;
Whose speechless song being many, seeming one,
Sings this to thee, 'Thou single wilt prove none.'


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Олег Павловский Олег Павловский, Санкт-Петербург
Художник, поэт, публицист.
e-mail автора: artchistar@mail.ru

Прочитано 2309 раз. Голосов 1. Средняя оценка: 5
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Галина Подьяпольская 2012-07-28 12:43:49
"......................................Без Бога нет гармонии ни в чём,
так в диссонансе мы печальные умрём."

читайте в разделе Поэзия обратите внимание

Рождественский Подарок (перевод с англ.) - ПуритАночка
Оригинал принадлежит автору Pure Robert, текст привожу: A VISIT FROM THE CHRISTMAS CHILD Twas the morning of Christmas, when all through the house All the family was frantic, including my spouse; For each one of them had one thing only in mind, To examine the presents St. Nick left behind. The boxes and wrapping and ribbons and toys Were strewn on the floor, and the volume of noise Increased as our children began a big fight Over who got the video games, who got the bike. I looked at my watch and I said, slightly nervous, “Let’s get ready for church, so we won’t miss the service.” The children protested, “We don’t want to pray: We’ve just got our presents, and we want to play!” It dawned on me then that we had gone astray, In confusing the purpose of this special day; Our presents were many and very high-priced But something was missing – that something was Christ! I said, “Put the gifts down and let’s gather together, And I’ll tell you a tale of the greatest gift ever. “A savior was promised when Adam first sinned, And the hopes of the world upon Jesus were pinned. Abraham begat Isaac, who Jacob begat, And through David the line went to Joseph, whereat This carpenter married a maiden with child, Who yet was a virgin, in no way defiled. “Saying ‘Hail, full of Grace,’ an archangel appeared To Mary the Blessed, among women revered: The Lord willed she would bear – through the Spirit – a son. Said Mary to Gabriel, ‘God’s will be done.’ “Now Caesar commanded a tax would be paid, And all would go home while the census was made; Thus Joseph and Mary did leave Galilee For the city of David to pay this new fee. “Mary’s time had arrived, but the inn had no room, So she laid in a manger the fruit of her womb; And both Joseph and Mary admired as He napped The Light of the World in his swaddling clothes wrapped. “Three wise men from the East had come looking for news Of the birth of the Savior, the King of the Jews; They carried great gifts as they followed a star – Gold, frankincense, myrrh, which they’d brought from afar. “As the shepherds watched over their flocks on that night, The glory of God shone upon them quite bright, And the Angel explained the intent of the birth, Saying, ‘Glory to God and His peace to the earth.’ “For this was the Messiah whom Prophets foretold, A good shepherd to bring his sheep back to the fold; He was God become man, He would die on the cross, He would rise from the dead to restore Adam’s loss. “Santa Claus, Christmas presents, a brightly lit pine, Candy canes and spiked eggnog are all very fine; Let’s have fun celebrating, but leave not a doubt That Christ is what Christmas is really about!” The children right then put an end to the noise, They dressed quickly for church, put away their toys; For they knew Jesus loved them and said they were glad That He’d died for their sins, and to save their dear Dad.

Родник. Альбом авторских песен - Александр Грайцер

Рождественский сонет - Юстина Южная
Нежный, добрый рождественский сонет

>>> Все произведения раздела Поэзия >>>

Поэзия :
До Тебе йду - Лидия Гапонюк

Поэзия :
Чему б теперь детей учил? - Евгений Крыгин

Публицистика :
Фундамент для отношений с Богом - Александр Грайцер

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